Practice As Research


Practice As Research aims to bring together the many different strands of practice-led/based research across all disciplines so as to not be limited by disciplinary conventions, but instead to benefit from cross-disciplinary fertilisation.


We consider Practice As Research any practice that is underpinned by scholarship and academic rigour. Our primary aim is sharing practices, providing constructive feedback, and thus enabling the mutual development of understanding around practice as research.


Poetry As Research group

For more information and to register, please, email Áine McAllister.


Social Fiction Writing group

Meetings from 12.30 to 2.00 pm UK time on:
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Monday 1 July 2024

For more information and to register, please, email Nicole Brown.


Research seminars

Please, check out the Seminars page of this website for recordings from all previous talks.

There are no events.


The Practice As Research network with its resources is free and always will be, but it does of course incur costs to run and to keep it running. If you use it and benefit, enjoy it and would like to keep it going, please, consider leaving something in the tip jar.
Thank you!